We cap off our final installment of our series in partnership with the Zakat Foundation of America, with a look at Zakat Foundation of America’s Syrian Refugee Programs. The following article was contributed by Zakat Foundation of America.
Since the start of the conflict in Syria, 5.6 million individuals have become refugees who need support and resources. While the crisis in Syria has received greater recognition on the global stage in recent times, the Zakat Foundation of America has been working with refugees from this region since 2012, when the first individuals fled their homes and crossed into Turkey. While our last NGOsource blog outlined the current situation of giving in Syria, we are eager to share how to also support Syrian refugees in other countries. Today, Zakat Foundation serves Syrian Refugees in a spectrum of capacities through our programs in Turkey, Jordan and Lebanon. In each of the three countries, Zakat Foundation has laid a critical framework for Syrian refugee care and education, forging a working model for refugee integration and close coordination with host country municipalities.