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Help The Holy Land

Give lifesaving aid to the people of Palestine

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Historically Catastrophic Humanitarian Crisis

The people of Gaza continue to face unimaginable hardship with lack of access to medical care, food and hygiene supplies, proper shelter and more over the past 9 months. The rising death toll coupled with the ever-looming threat of starvation, lack of electricity and water has affected population of 2.3 million. Unprecedented levels of destruction have affected 62% of homes and 84% of health facilities while collapsing the entire education system. 

gaza air drop

Airdrop on Gaza Support Our Lifesaving Efforts

The people of Gaza desperately need your lifesaving support. We continue to provide food baskets, hot meals, seasonal giving in Ramadan and Qurbani, hygiene kits, and other supplies. Our trucks passed through Egypt’s humanitarian aid corridor and relief was air dropped via Jordan. 100% of your support goes to: 

  • immediate emergency relief

  • medical supplies, hygiene kits, and food ready for distribution

  • essentials of warm blankets and clothing

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Help Save the People of Palestine

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Hala's Story: Destined For Paradise

Midday before Laylat Al-Qadr, in Ramadan of this year, we shared the tragic news that one of our sponsored orphans in Gaza, Hala, was killed along with her family. Hala, a bright 16-year-old joined our Orphan Sponsorship Program in 2018 and dreamed of becoming a pediatrician to help Gaza’s children. She loved writing poems and reading books. Hala and her family lived in Jabalia Camp, where they all tragically lost their lives. We must support Gaza’s orphans. Please consider sponsoring one of the thousands of new orphans in Gaza through our program.

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Updates from the Field

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Jul 1, 2024

Qurbani 2024: Gaza

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May 21, 2024

Our Recent Food Relief Airdrop Into Gaza

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Apr 19, 2024

Our Humanitarian Aid Trucks Cross Into Gaza I Gaza Emergency Relief 2024

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Mar 29, 2024

Preparing and Distributing Meals in Gaza: Ramadan 2024

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Feb 20, 2024

Full Interview: ZFA's Humanitarian Response in Gaza With Executive Director Halil Demir

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Jan 2, 2024

Daily Water Distributions in Rafah I Gaza Emergency Relief 2023

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Dec 7, 2023

Updates from the Egypt Crossing I Gaza Emergency Relief 2023

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Nov 28, 2023

Continuing our Work for Gaza's Hungry I 1 Million Meals for Gaza 2023

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Nov 14, 2023

Delivering Medical Supplies to Gaza I Gaza Emergency Relief 2023