Indonesia is among the highest natural-disaster prone places in the world. It is constantly at risk for “cascading disasters.” This means catastrophes that come simultaneously or cause one another. Climate change is greatly increasing this risk.

For example, in January 2020, torrential monsoon rains submerged 90 neighborhoods in Jakarta. Also, back-to-back earthquakes devastated Lombok island on Aug. 5, 2018, and Central Sulawesi on September 28. The magnitude-6.9 and massive 7.5 temblors killed some 2,600 and displaced an astounding half million. Your aid enabled Zakat Foundation to open an emergency kitchen that fed some 1,100 families a day. In addition, every year, your generosity feeds thousands of Indonesian poor in Ramadan with a full month of Iftar meals. By Dhu’l-Hijjah, your annual donations make possible the distribution of thousands of pounds of Udhiyah (Qurbani) sacrifice from locally raised cattle. This is slaughtered and hand-delivered to hundreds of Muslim families on Eid al-Adha. These two programs are an important part of Zakat Foundation’s food security plan for this vulnerable population, effectively providing thousands with at least three months of wholesome nutrition.
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