In Numbers: Your Ramadan 2024 Impact


Ramadan 2024 was difficult for Muslims around the world — but not solely because of the fasting and late nights spent praying.

In Gaza, Palestine, Muslims had essentially already been fasting most days — if not daily — by the time Ramadan had begun in 2024. In Sudan, the Congo and Kashmir, and for the Uyghurs and the Rohingya, Muslims continued their striving for God’s favor all while enduring devastating conditions. And the Muslims observing all these struggles in safety ached, wanting to have an impact. And so they stepped up. They made an impact in Ramadan by, among other methods, raising awareness for these people’s struggles and fundraising and donating.

So what was your Ramadan impact in 2024? Well, if you donated to Zakat Foundation of America, it was huge. 

In all, Zakat Foundation of America fed the fasting and otherwise hungry in more than 40 countries this year. Altogether, your donations helped us reach 2,031,207 beneficiaries on five continents, from Afghanistan to Argentina, Bangladesh to Burkina Faso, Ethiopia to India, Iraq to Morocco, Rwanda, Syria, Senegal, Sudan and more. 

Let’s dive deeper into your Ramadan 2024 impact.

Your donations helped provide more than 5.7 million meals, and more than 251,000 of them were in Gaza. Yes, we got in, and by God’s will, we did what we could to combat their dire, unprecedented famine. And with that comes water. Through 265 projects, we quenched the thirst of more than 283,000 people across 11 countries.

On that note, we also assisted more than 931,800 people who needed emergency relief. You even uplifted more than 5,000 orphans from 19 different countries.

And in the United States, specifically, we visited over 100 mosques and community centers, served hot iftar meals, distributed food to families in neighborhoods of need, and delivered grocery baskets to transitioning refugees, reaching more than 12,000 people.

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