Boys clapping in Jordan.

Zakat Foundation in Jordan

Zakat Foundation relief specialists have worked in Jordan since the global charity’s beginning. Aid experts have instituted comprehensive humanitarian services in the nation, which is largely dependent on subsidies and which hosts millions of Palestinian refugees, hundreds of thousands of Iraqi refugees, and more recently about 1.3 million Syrian refugees.

Zakat Foundation humanitarian workers manage a developing Orphan Sponsorship Program for children from all Jordan’s communities, especially Syrian refugees. The goal is to keep these orphans with their widowed mothers or nearest family members, which is widely known to be the best help orphans can receive.  

With your gifts, Zakat Foundation has opened dynamic skill and trade learning centers in Jordan with year-round classes taught by professionals, in part to address the country’s severe refugee crisis. The graduates of these thriving Vocational Training Centers, including one in the city of Irbid, learn professional sewing and knitting, English, ICDL (which is the world’s leading computer skills certification program), typing and data entry, web design, other computer hardware and software skills, and the manufacture of artisan handmade items. Zakat Foundation specialists then aid these graduates to move on, either in their learning or into their own business endeavors. The center in Irbid alone offers more than 17 workshops that aim to improve the local economy. Hundreds of students (on average, about twice as many females as males) complete our learning centers courses every year. 

In addition, Zakat Foundation’s learning centers provide professional family and personal counseling for both psychological needs and practical application. The centers thus form a critical part of Zakat Foundation’s vibrant refugee resettlement program, as does Zakat Foundation donor-sponsored, free health care specifically targeting refugee physical and mental health and wellness. 

jordan udhiyah

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