Zakat Foundation has a special focus on strengthening community integrity through building mosques for villagers, which host schools and libraries. These community centers form a vital source of cooperation, togetherness, and literacy in the small population, especially for women and girls.
In addition, Zakat Foundation specialists, with your support, have instituted a water security campaign through installing communal Water Wells as Sadaqah Jariyah. Many of these provide water to remote rural villagers.
Among the most important Zakat Foundation humanitarian programs, however, have been the Ramadan Iftar meals that feed families for an entire month, as well as the fresh, Islamic, slaughter of locally raised cattle for Udhiyah (Qurbani) sacrifice on Eid al-Adha, which is hand-delivered to thousands of food-insecure people every year. This is a vital infusion of meat into the diets of these largely poor families.

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