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Morocco rebuffs aid after an earthquake kills more than 3,000

fadel senna:afp via getty images

It’s day four after a magnitude 6.8 earthquake shook Morocco on Friday, killing more than 3,000 people and injuring thousands more. Across the country, the United Nations estimates more than 300,000 are affected.

The search continues for survivors, including in remote mountain villages near the quake’s epicenter in the High Atlas Mountains. But rescue groups say survival rates drop dramatically after the first 72 hours, to 5 to 10 percent.

On Monday, the North African country had accepted aid only from Spain, Qatar, Britain, and the UAE, though other countries including the U.S. offered direct support.

1A is joined by Alice Morrison for a first-person account. She lives in the Atlas Mountains and is the author of “Walking with Nomads.” And we hear from Mustafa Akcelik, Turkey country director at the Zakat Foundation of America, a nonprofit that conducts humanitarian assistance programs.

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