This past weekend, the Murad & Brothers group with the help of Zakat Foundation of America hosted an event featuring prominent community figures such as Mohammed Zeyara. All the proceeds from the event were donated towards the Ghana school project. Murad’s friends reminisced on stage about their favorite memories with him as well as the importance of providing education for the less fortunate. Also in attendance was Murad’s mother, Mehtap Abusalim.
“My heart is as deep as the ocean,” said Mrs. Abusalim. “I’m so proud of these boys for what they are doing. It’s a blessing from Allah (swt) and I give them all my support and thank each and every one of you.”
The fundraising event proved to be highly successful as the anticipated goal was met within only a half hour of the night. The soon to be built school, located in the village of Chibriyor, will also offer extensive Islamic studies courses including memorization, tafsir, and tajweed. Soon, they will have an institution of learning, and, maybe one day, they will also learn about Murad Abusalim.