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Be A Real-Life Superhero with Zakat Foundation

Transform Futures, One Act of Kindness at a Time

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Assemble for Change

The Mighty Orphan Support Force

Calling all heroes! Your daring mission, should you choose to accept it, is to rally behind our noble Orphan Fund and unleash boundless opportunities for children across the globe. Together, we'll change lives and make the world a better place!

100% of your donation goes to the Orphan Fund

No administration costs are taken for orphan support.....EVER!

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Choose with Love

Give vulnerable children, left alone in this world, the gift of hope, love, and a promising future. Your donation provides:

  • Comprehensive Health Care

  • Education Support

  • Nutritious Food

  • Clothing

Be a real-life superhero, today!

Giving Amounts



Humanity Above All Else

Zakat Foundation of America Is Saving Lives Daily

For over 22 years, the Zakat Foundation of America has exemplified servanthood, delivering humanitarian assistance globally through diverse programs like disaster relief, food distribution, education, and orphan care, in 45+ countries. Accredited and recognized for transparency, it remains devoted to empowering millions in need. Welcome to the family! Every dollar you’ve donated today will go to an orphaned child in need. Thank you for putting humanity above all else.