
August 31st, 2023

How We're Bolstering Healthcare in Pakistan

One of the most urgent crises facing Pakistanis is that of healthcare access, with many lacking access to basic, reliable care and quality medicine. Read on to learn more.

August 30th, 2023

Why We Should Care About the Current Refugee Crisis

With several countries worldwide entering unprecedented times of conflict, economic crisis and instability since 2020, more and more children, families and individuals have had to flee their homelands to seek new lives.

August 25th, 2023

International Day of Charity 2023

This International Day of Charity 2023, we’re kicking off our Monthly Giving Circle.

August 7th, 2023

How Your Qurbani Changed Lives in 2023

What you give with good intentions can change someone’s life. It can even change a family’s life, or a community’s. And when you give qurbani (also called udhiyah), you do just that.

August 4th, 2023

Your Qurbani 2023 in Numbers

Qurbani 2023 made the season of Dhul Hijjah this year extraordinary, as the global Muslim community strove to offer up their sacrifices for the good of the poor in God’s name.

July 21st, 2023

Why Are Muslim Charities Targets of Islamophobia?

It seems Muslim charities aren’t viewed the same way externally that many other charities are. About a quarter of the world is Muslim, but much of the world doesn’t know much — or understand enough — about Islam.

July 19th, 2023

How to Donate to Turkey Earthquake Victims

More than 50,000 dead, many before their family and friends even knew where they were. The earthquakes that shattered Turkey (Türkiye) and Syria in February impacted millions of lives — twice.

July 18th, 2023

Can Zakat Be Paid from Interest Earned?

Can Zakat Be Paid from Interest Earned? We Answer This Question.

July 18th, 2023

Can Zakat Be Given in the Form of Food?

Can Zakat Be Given in the Form of Food? We Answer This Question.

July 18th, 2023

When is Dhul Hijjah 2024?

How will we know when Dhul Hijjah 2024 is? And what are the traditions of Dhul Hijjah that make this season special?

July 17th, 2023

Do You Need to Calculate Zakat According to Madhhab?

When it comes to following the rules of Zakat payment, is it required or better for a payer to choose and follow the rules of one school of law? We Answer This Common Question.

July 17th, 2023

Why Islamic Charity Will Change the World

In today’s world, the amount of wealth a small minority of people have can fund solutions to these global issues.