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Uniting Hearts and Igniting Hope

1 Million Hot Meals for Gaza

Offer hope and hot meals to families in Gaza. Give a plate to nourish bodies and hearts.

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Orphan Care
Securing Their Futures

Children orphaned by conflicts and disasters need hope. Your support makes the difference.

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A Continuous Charity

The global water crisis and lack of sanitation is deadly. Turn the tide on the water crisis with us.

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Your Impact Last Ramadan 


Lives Impacted 


Food Beneficiaries 


Countries Served 

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Transform Lives This Ramadan

Let's journey into compassion by igniting hope worldwide.  

  • Actively assist vulnerable communities in Gaza's struggle for survival through our Million Meals campaign.

  • Be the support system for orphans, ensuring their Ramadan is filled with love.

  • Support our water projects, which sustain communities, spark growth, and pave the way for a better tomorrow.  

By uniting hearts and igniting hope, your support this Ramadan turns dreams into reality. 

This Ramadan, I Intend To:

Pay Fidya or Kaffara

Make amends for unfulfilled fasts through compensation that will also benefit the underprivileged.

Pay Fidya or Kaffara

Have Zakat Questions?

Our zakat experts are available to help answer your questions! Call them live Monday – Friday 3PM to 5PM CST

Dial a Zakat Expert Today (888-925-2887)!

Give Sadaqah and Zakat

Take advantage of charitable opportunities to accrue ongoing rewards in Ramadan.

Give Generously

Give Daily

Spread your donations across the blessed month (March 10th to April 9th) by opting for a daily or last 10 nights automated giving schedule or a quick one-time donation.

Schedule Auto-giving Now

Empower Lives This Ramadan

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1 Million Hot Meals for Gaza

1 out of 4 people in Gaza faces starvation. Mass casualties, injuries, and displacements have created a humanitarian crisis of epic proportions. In Ramadan, the struggle can be compounded by inadequate shelter, blackouts, and the winter chill, making daily survival uncertain. For $5, help feed a hot meal with water to those in need. Make Ramadan one of hope and strength.

Give Now
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Orphan Care
Securing Their Futures

Countless children, orphaned by conflicts and disasters, face a grim reality, with 1 in 4 residing in war-torn zones. Growing up without security or a loving home, they lack a promising future. Your sponsorship supports a child's essential needs, providing nutritious food, education, hygiene essentials, and more. With your gift costing less than $2/day, you wield the power to make a lasting impact on a child's life. 

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A Continuous Charity

The global water crisis, affecting millions, particularly endangers children. Lack of access to sanitation heightens life-threatening waterborne diseases. With 1 in 10 facing water shortages, Ramadan is a vital opportunity to address this crisis. Supporting our water projects enables children to return to school, offers women security and opportunities, and ensures health and well-being. Let's turn droplets of hope into waves of change. 

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Rooted in Transparency.

In 2023, 90¢ from each dollar donated went directly toward programs serving those in need. 4¢ went to administrative costs & 6¢ went to fundraising costs.

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Ramadan 2024 Donations