2022 Annual Report
July 2021 – June 2022

Zakat Foundation of America helps Muslims carry out their Zakat duties easily, correctly, and wisely. It diligently, effectively, and with dignity delivers these alms, along with voluntary charity from caring people of all beliefs, to the poor, the hungry, the thirsty, the stricken, the war-ravaged, the bereaved, and the dislocated worldwide.
Zakat Foundation of America, unique among global humanitarian agencies, advances Zakat as a primary vehicle for human upliftment and social development. We channel the spirit of Zakat's divine alms obligation, along with its strong voluntary sadaqah-charity imperative, into a calling of universal inspiration: Let every human being blessed with lifesustaining means find the relative, neighbour, or other in pressing life-need to share in that blessing, purifying one's self and wealth and spreading about life and love among our human family.

Food Security
Emergency Relief
Health & Wellness
Water Wells & Sadaqah Jariyah
Orphan Sponsorship
Women's Empowerment
Refugee Resettlement & IDPs
Where we work
Zakat Foundation Offices

"Zakat Foundation of America is a homegrown American Muslim charity. Our humanitarian work embodies the highest standard of American values. It spreads the generosity of our American supporters to the places and people most direly in need of it on earth. As such, Zakat Foundation represents the best of America, an expression of its citizenry's humanity we ought to extol and uphold."
Halil Demir, ZFA Founder & Executive Director
9 Myths About Muslim Charities
Dear Cherished Supporters & Friends,
Assalamu 'alaykum and peace to you.
Looking back on our mutual labor of humanitarian love during the months of this report, one constant in this direly changing world shines through: your unfailing support of hundreds of thousands of poor and afflicted, at home and abroad, with generous gifts (and more precious prayers) for the Zakat Foundation of America.
When I say alhamadulillah and thank you from the bottom of my heart, I speak for all the beneficiaries, volunteers, and specialists of your Zakat Foundation of America. You cared enough to give, then give more. And we strove hard in the field - and in our diligent administration of your trust - to multiply the blessings of your Zakat and sadaqah-charity and deliver them securely into the hands of countless stricken families, widows, and orphans.
In 2021-22, together we faced a virulent Covid-19 virus that transformed our world - though armed conflict, surging poverty, swelling hunger, and raging climate catastrophes took no break, besetting millions. (The numbers, already staggering, grow exponentially in 2023).
What did your compassion do?
Your nutritious Ramadan iftar-meal gifts - for an entire month - and your fresh, hand-delivered qurbani-udhiyah sacrifices fed literally hundreds of thousands repeatedly within a I 00-day period. And make no mistake, this works wonders for the food-security of families at risk.
In war-ravaged Yemen and besieged Palestine, among the persecuted minorities of India, the massively displaced populations of Syria, and for the earthquake-riven Haiti, your giving never flagged.
You provided food, water, shelter, winter warmth and clothing. You rushed medicine, medical specialists, and equipment to all in need. You sponsored schooling, textbooks, and supplies for children. To impoverished, rural household heads, you gave mating pairs of dairy livestock, and subsidized vocational, entrepreneur, and food-resilience farmer training for the displaced and conflict devastated.
Yet you kindled something even more precious in these dark hours -the light of hope in tried souls: Someone knows about me. Someone cares.
"You sent charity ever-flowing, sadaqah jariyah, into the remote hamlets of hundreds of thousands of your underserved sisters and brothers - digging water wells for entire villages and building mosques with schools for young and old - while sending blessings untold into the Divine Balances of your dearly departed.
Nor did you forget the suffering of loved ones and neighbors at home, underwriting thousands of hours of mental healthcare and badly needed community mental health training for Americans through the Khalil Center, while also funding Syrian, lraqi, Afghani, and Rohingya refugee and migrant resettlement programs and professional job placement.
As I write this, 2023 has already shown the unfaltering surge of your support and truehearted sincerity for tens of thousands devastated by the February earthquake in Türkiye and Syria, and for the throngs displaced from escalating hostilities across Africa and the Subcontinent.
And Zakat Foundation of America's global relief teams have responded - with redoubled commitment, diligent striving, and smart strategic planning. The result is one of the highest donation-to-aid ratios among humanitarian relief organizations. More than 91¢ per dollar - and I00% of your Zakat - goes into the hands of Allah's blessed, the tested and tried of our times, and the Zakat eligible.
God reward you and your families with all good, here and Hereafter. Please accept my heartfelt gratitude for your charitable giving, the trust you've placed in the Zakat Foundation of America, and for your prayers.
And the last of our prayers is all praise for Allah, Lord of the Worlds.
Peace and God's Mercy and Blessings
Halil Demir
Executive Director & Founder
ADAMS Center
AhiskaTurkish American Council
Al Huda MD
Al Maa'uun Masjid
Al-Mustafa Center
Al-Nanda Center
AI-Takuf Organization
Almuminun Islamic Center
Amatullah's Treasures
An Noor Islamic Center
Ansar Al Bir Community Center MC
Anthony Spencer
Apex Mosque
Ar Rashidun Organization
Arab American Association
Arab American Family Services
Ashe Assisted living West Jefferson
Avendale assisted living Cary
Awakenings Resource Center
Baba Ganoush Durham
Bartlett Reserve Durham
Beaumont Masjid Tawheed Community Center
Beehives Home Assisted Living Panama City
Benson Memorial United Methodist Church
Bethany House
Bethel GospelTabernacle
Big Green Chicago
Bloom Township
Brekenridge Assisted Living Rocky Mount
Brian Center Health And Rehab Hertford
Brookdake Northville Wayne
Brookdale Dickinson Ave Greenville
Brookdale Lake Highlands, Dallas
Brookdale Reidsville NC
Brookdale Valley View, Garden Grove
Brunswick Cove, Winnabow
Burlington Masjid
Cair Los Angeles Chapter
Cair MN
Cair Philadelphia Chapter
Camelia Gardens Durham
Carolina Rehab, cumberland
Catawba Senior Assisted Living Claremont
Centro Romero
Chapel Hill Masjid
Charter Senior Living Sylvania
Chatham Commons Cary
Chicago Dream Center
Chicago Dream Center - Church
Chowan River Rehab Center Edenton
Christ Oasis Ministries
City Council Of Upper Darby, PA Chicago
Council Of Islamic Organizations Greater Chicago
Clerk's Office OfTownship Of Lyons
Cleveland House, Shelby
Club Apaseo El Alto
Coalicion de Misronter Mexicano
Community's Child Food Bank
Cornerstone Community Outreach Corona Masjid
Creekside Senior Living, Bountiful Utah
Cricket Wireless
Delaware Difference Makers
Delaware Emergency Management Administration
Direct Relief network
Diyanet Mosque
Dover Interfaith Mission Homeless shelter
Dover DE
Emmanuel Dining for Homeless
Englewood Community Center Enlace Chicago
Ethiopian Center for Peace & Progress, ECPP
Evergreen Islamic Institute
Families Helping Families
Family Promise of DE
Food Forward
Fresh Choice Supermarkets
Friendship House
Newark & Wilmington, DE
God's Gang Youth Organization
Governor's Office ofVolunteerism
Greater Chicago Food Depository
Guatemalan Chambers of Commerce
HACAP Corporate Office
Harbor Senior Living of South Hills Pittsburgh
Heartfelt residential Care
Heartfield of Cary, NC
Heartland Alliance
Hibachi Blue
Hollywood masjid
ICCI (Islamic Community Center of ICNA Center)
Iglesia Metodista Unida Adalberto
Illinois Legislative Latino Caucus Foundation IL
India Grille Restaurant DE
Indian University: Lily Family School of Philanthropy
Islamic Association of Eastern North Carolina, Greensville
Islamic Association of Raleigh
Islamic Center of Columbus County
Islamic Center of Greensboro
Islamic Center of High Point
Islamic Center of Kuwait
Islamic Center of Lumberton
Islamic Center of Morrisville
Islamic Center of the Triad
Islamic Center of Yorba Linda
Islamic Community Center of Lancaster
Islamic Foundation of Greater St. Louis
Islamic Oasis
Islamic Relief
Islamic Society of Central DE, Dover
Islamic Society of DE
Island Assisted Living Hempstead
Jamaat lbadurrahman Masjid
Jesus Word Church
Journey's of Statesville
Justice for Justus
Lakeview Pantry
Latinos Organization of the Southwest
Laurels of Pender, Burgaw
Legacy House of Ogden
Liberty Commons Sanford NC
Life Care, Banner Elk
Light of Islam
Lincoln United Methodist Church
Lincoln United Methodist Church
Little Angels Foundation
Little Village Education Collaborative
Lodge Lane Assisted Living, Wilmington
Long Island Muslim Society
Lovejoy Temple Church of God in Christ
Mahroosh Restaurant PA
Manor Care, Lancaster PA
Marsha MedSpa
Masjid Al Farooq
Masjid Al Kawthar
Masjid Al Madinah Upper Darby PA
Masjid Al Mumineen
Masjid Al Nur
Masjid Ar Rahman Coatesville, PA
Masjid ar Razzaque, DE
Masjid As Sabiqun, Chester, PA
Masjid Isa lbn MAriam
Masjid Taqwa
McDougal Terrace Apartments
MCWS Canton Ml
Mediterranean Grill & Grocery
Mental Health Partnerships
Mental Health Partnerships, Seaford DE
Mercy Corps
Metro Chicago Evangelical Lutheran Church
Mexican Consulate
Ministry of Caring INC
Morning side of Concord NC
Morningstar World Harvest Church
Mosque Foundation
Nemours Hospital for Children
New Hope Missionary Baptist Church
New Life Covenant
New Life Montgomery
New Mt. Oliver A.M.F. Zion Church
New Spirit Baptist Church
Noblest People Learning Center
Norristown Islamic Society, Norristown, PA
Oak Leaf village,Toledo
OC Heritage Council
Office of Rep llhan Omar
Orange County OC Heritage Club
Our Lady of Suyapa Sanctuary
United Given Hope
Palestinian American Club
Paramount Senior living Center, Newark
ParkwoodTown Food Hub
PCRF DE Chapter
Pilsen Food Pantry
Pine Street Senior Center Lumberton
Pinnacle Rehab and Health, Smyrna
Police Department Durham
Project BooksForAII, NJ
Readi Chicago
Redeemed Outreach
Rescue Mission of Salt Lake City
Rescue Mission Women's Shelter, Salt Lake City
Residence At Panama, Panama City
Resurrection Project
Rev. Robin Hood
Rocky Mount Islamic Center
Rohingya Culture Center
Ronald McDonald House Charities
Sagrado Corazon Lutheran Church
Sahaba Initiative Local Food Shelter Muslim
Sanad Organization & AI-Nahda
Sanitation Department Durham
Season at Southpoint Durham
Season at Southpoint Durham
Senator Coon's Office
South Side Community Services
South West Collective
Southwest Organizing Project
Spanish Community Center
Spring Arbor of Apex, NC
St James Missionary Church
St. Stephens Lutheran Church
Stanley County
Senior CenterAlbemarle
Stonehenge of Ogden, Washington Terrace UT
SudaneseAmerican Charity
Sunrise at Sheepshead Bay, Brooklyn
Sunrise of Cary, NC
Susan S Ballis Bethel, MA
Tauheed Youth Group
TheArbors at Westbury, Jericho
The Bristal assisted, Massapequa
The Bristol Assisted Living at East Meadow
The Hallmark, Houston
The Lorelton, Wilmington
The New Homestead Home Kew Gardens NY
The Preserve at AlmAire, Pampano Beach
The Soul of Children in Chicago
Thornton Township
Turkish community center ofAtlanta UNICEF
United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
United Neighborhood Organization
United Way of DE
Unstoppable Dawah PA
Upper Darby City Council
Userve Utah
West Anaheim Medical Center
Westminster Presbyterian Church
Weston Senior Center,Wilmington
Whispering Knoll Assisted living, Edison

Emergency Relief
Your emergency relief enabled Zakat Foundation of America's aid specialists, medical teams, and humanitarian partners to personally reach at least 448,206 in urgent hardship with lifesaving help in 2021-2022. That's an eight-fold increase in just 4 years.
Victims Relieved
Urgent Relief Programs
From Afghanistan to Haiti, Palestine to Nepal, and hundreds of thousands in dire need in between, you fed the confined and sick from Covid-19; sheltered, clothed, and provided heat, medicine, and treatment to freezing refugees in Syria, Jordan, and Lebanon; the flooded out in Pakistan; the dispossessed Rohingya in Bangladesh, and the persecuted and forcibly displaced in India, Palestine, and Ukraine.
Still, the global need for urgent humanitarian relief has rocketed to unprecedented levels.
362 Million Impoverished
240 Million in Critical Daily Need
110 Million Forcibly Displaced
35.3 Million |
62.5 Million |
5.4 Million |
12.2 Million |
8.4 Million |
5.9 Million |
of refugees are children
of refugees are women and girls
1.9 Million
babies are born as refugees since 2018
of refugees out of school

Some 2 billion in the world today – one in four people – live in countries experiencing armed combat, while six of every seven harbor deep-seated fears that organized violent conflict will overtake them.
Active State-Based Wars: 8
Active State-Based Armed Conflicts: 55
Active Non-State Armed Conflicts: 82

The people of Afghanistan suffer a triple humanitarian crisis - decades of conflict, economic collapse, and climate-change catastrophe - now seen as the greatest disaster in the world. The number of Afghans dependent on food aid has jumped to 29.2 million, an astounding 70% of its 42.2 million population. Children make up more than half of the hungry, with 70% of its 6.6 million internally displaced women and children. Your aid enabled Zakat Foundation - in partnership with UNICEF, the UN Children's Fund - to winter-clothe, provide cash support to families, and winterize houses for 489,275 people.

Covid-19 ravaged Bangladesh with an immediate impact of 1.1 million confirmed cases.You sent 401b food baskets to thousands of families containing rice, potatoes, lentils, other beans, and sugar, along with 2 liters of food oil, I I lb of laundry detergent, and a box of 50 surgical masks per household. Your urgent gifts also made it possible for Zakat Foundation relief workers to distribute food packages to a 1,000 families in eastern Bangladesh hit by one of the worst monsoons in its history, as well as to begin repairing flood-damaged homes.

The pandemic hit no country harder than India, with critical oxygen, medicine, bed, and PPE shortages paralyzing the nation's hospitals and clinics. With your generous gifts, Zakat Foundation aid experts set up temporary isolation centers with beds in the hardest hit areas, supplied vital oxygen cylinders and concentrators, anti-viral medicines, and PPE kits, including masks, to hospitals and centers.Among the most important relief you sponsored, was sending professional medical teams from home to home to reach and treat people without hospital access. When medical transportation faltered, you contributed a new ambulance that saved countless lives.
Covid- 19 also put more than 230 million into instant poverty, with I 0 million laborers losing their jobs. Your emergency response allowed Zakat Foundation aid workers to help thousands of unemployed start their own businesses with the purchase of new equipment from sewing machines, to bicycles, to tools. You also restocked the shelves for local grocery store owners, provided ways to keep other small businesses running, and new flocks for poultry farm-sellers.All in all, you helped more than 120,000.
The countries' high altitudes make for severe winters. Your charity provided winter gear - blankets, sweaters, scarves, coats, hats, gloves, socks, and other warm wear to more than 3,000 orphans, widows, and elderly.

Hunger is growing throughout Palestine, with a third of its people, 1.8 million, suffering from food insecurity. Roughly 63% of residents of the densely populated region of Gaza are unaware of where their next meal will come from. Food insecurity is highest among women-headed households, many of whom have lost their husbands during the ongoing conflict. Following the May 2021 escalation of the conflict in Gaza, that claimed 260 lives and left 1,900 homeless, Zakat Foundation disturbed food vouchers redeemable by sellers for cash. Your sadaqah fed at least I 0,643 people whose families' homes were destroyed. Most of these recipients reluctantly accepted the aid because they had never resorted to it before.
The stories of Syria's refugees from government assault are among the most harrowing of all displaced peoples, many of whom have become double and triple refugees, forced to flee their homes and settlements from Syrian and Russian violent assaults multiple times. Winter cold fell on the north with great severity in 2021-22. You shipped I 12 tons of coal for heater fuel, warming more than 1,600 refugees.

Winter came hard on the increasingly suffering people of this region, with economic disaster and skyrocketing food prices, and especially the destitute Syrian refugees and orphans there.You provided food packages which stocked more than a month of meals for families, heaters and fuel, winter clothing and blankets, mattresses and bedding, shoes and wool garments, and also gravel to insulate make-shift shelter floors for thousands.

A massive 7.2 magnitude earthquake struck the southwest of this already impoverished Caribbean island on August 14, 2021, damaging 137,500 buildings, including 53 medical facilities, destroying six others completely, demolishing 1,060 schools, causing $1.6 billion in losses, and leaving an estimated 650,000 in need of emergency assistance. You immediately sent relief that prepared Zakat Foundation specialists to set up hot-meal kitchens in hard-to-reach areas to feed and gave water to 1,200 people a day, five days a week; and medical clinics to treat 300-400 people a day, three days a week, funded into 2022.
Your compassion did not stop at the borders of Europe when Ukrainians fled by the millions. In Chisinau, Moldova and elsewhere in that country, you provided refugees with shelters, hygiene kits, food, and clothing.
When Homes & Hearts Collapse
Hazam Salim, his wire, and their young children lived in their four-story house in Gaza's As-Sabra district...until there home was suddenly destroyed, also severely wounding four of the children.
Instantly homeless and destitute, Hazam searched for a new place to live. All he had left went for his little Farah, sent with family to Jordan to save her shattered leg.
He had nothing to buy food. Then came your first of Zakat Foundation food vouchers. Reticent, Hazam accepted. Our Gaza partner, Palestine Children's Relief Fund, sent trained caseworkers with him to get much needed food for his displaced family.
It's then he received the call. Little Farah's leg would be amputated. Hazam collapsed mid-market. The aid team around him supported Hazam, physically and emotionally. Gently, they calmed him. They helped him cope with the devastating reality of little Farah's utterly altered life, and to complete the still needed task of getting food for his hungry family.
"Never could I have handled this situation alone," said Hazam, "had your support not literally been right with me."
In times of catastrophic loss and sorrow, your help through Zakat Foundation upholds thousands like Hazam, giving them so much more than mere dollars and cents. It is lifesaving. Spirit sustaining. Brotherhood's meaning...and its reward, with Allah alone, awaits you untold.

Food Security
Zakat Foundation of America hand-delivered your compassionate assistance for the hungry - including donated Ramadan iftar meals, and locally-raised, freshly slaughtered qurbani I udhiyah and 'aqiqah sacrifices - to more than 770,500 needful across the world, tallying more than 3.5 million nutritious meals.And how timely your help was.
Hungry Fed
Food Relief Programs
Humanity plunged into profound food insecurity in 2021-22, now doubling 2020's hunger count. One in IO people on earth suffer food deprivation. Girls and women make up 60 percent of the underfed, while 3 million children under five die for want of food each year.
783 Million
418 Million
Asians undernourished
of Africans undernourished, double all regions
345 Million
million face acute food shortage
43.3 Million
beset by "emergency food insecurity," one step from famine
45 Million
children under age 5 suffer acute malnutrition
Food cost rise from 2019-2022
1.3 Billion
metric tons of food wasted each year / $1.3 trillion

19.5 Million

19 Million

18.9 Million

15.4 Million

6.7 Million

Humanitarian Doom Loop
01 Government Cuts
Wealthy governments drastically cut humanitarian funding and food supplies
02 Food Cuts
Food cuts create massive food shortages
03 UN Cuts
UN cuts food programs in hardest hit areas (Afghanistan, Horn of Africa, Syria, Palestine, Yemen)
04 Food Supplies Shift
UN and humanitarian agencies shift scarce food supplies: Away from hundreds of millions at "crisis phase" of hunger to feed 345 million at "catastrophic phase" of near starvation
05 Crisis Phase
People in "crisis phase" of hunger fall into "catastrophic phase'' of starvation

Nearly a third of all human beings – 2.4 billion people – cannot regularly find food to eat. At least 900 million of them have fallen into severe food insecurity. That means they've run out of food and gone a day or more without eating. An estimated 3.1 billion in our world cannot afford a healthy diet.
Children Under 5 Students: 148 Million
Children Wasted: 45 Million Underweight & Malnourished
Children Death: 45% of Children Die From Food Privation
Udhiyah / Qurbani Sacrifice
Recent studies on healthy, sustainable food consumption tells us that anywhere from 1.6 to 3.8 billion people (that's 23 to 47 percent) of the world cannot afford a nutritionally balanced diet that vitally includes sufficing good proteins, of which red (non-pork) meat (properly raised, slaughtered, and consumed) specifically provides a high-value source-food.You answered the hunger cries of more than 309, 186 poor in 45 countries with your generous and prophetic udhiyah/qurbani gifts of sacrifice, more than 360,000 lb. of fresh (never frozen or canned) meat in all. Zakat Foundation's professionals conducted your dhabiha-slaughter by hand - on the Day of Eid AI-Adhah after local Eid Salah - and then hand-delivered that same day on average 5 kg ( I I lb.) packages to joyous families. Zakat Foundation experts inspect, purchase, and then set aside humanely raised, local livestock of proper age and top health and quality specifically for your udhiyah/qurbani sacrifices for the hungry.

114, 240


Middle East

Latin America & Caribbean

Ramadan Iftar Meals
Your generosity in Ramadan fed at least 2 million meals to tens of thousands of fasters and their families in more than 40 countries for the entire month, freeing fathers and mothers to focus on worship in this blessed month, not a sundown search for their hungry children's daily sustenance.An entire month of nutritiously balanced meals is especially crucial in the vital growth and health of children against diseases, lowered immunity, and stunted physical and intellectual development, with health benefits lasting into adulthood.
In the face of drought-based, conflict-caused spreading famine in Somalia - putting 1.8 million children under 5 at severe risk of malnutrition - you sent critical food support through Zakat Foundation's relief specialists to five deeply impoverished districts on the northern outskirts of Mogadishu, providing the nutritional foundation of lifesaving health for thousands of children, as a balanced diet forms the bedrock of a strong immune system, optimal growth, and peak brain development in them. Programs like this contribute an added protection to the livelihoods of their families and communities, reducing income burden and stress, which is instrumental in diminishing violence against women and children.
In Gaza, where organized humanitarian movement is risky and medical transfer impossible, the Ministry of Health shut down all hospital kitchens after Covid-19 hit. This especially jeopardized child cancer and blood-disease patients, whose already compromised immune systems need nutritious food to help them endure heavy pediatric chemotherapy. Your generous gifts allowed Zakat Foundation and its partners to provide an invaluable longterm, nourishing, medically balanced daily meal program for these sick children fighting for life and gave their anguished families great hope.
Zakat Foundation relief specialists and partners in Haiti continue to deliver 200 free meals a day, 52,000 a year, with the aid you have sent to help feed and provide water to the 4.9 million Haitians now suffering acute hunger. However, delivery became difficult and dangerous after the devastating earthquake. In addition, for more than a year climate change has whiplashed Haiti with cycling flooding and drought.Your continued support of community food programs for hungry children and their families, many in the Ti Plas Kazo neighborhood, constitutes a literal lifeline as their only access to meals each day.
Your sadaqah-charity fed more than 300,900 children in increasingly food insecure Argentina, traditionally a farming powerhouse, major food exporter, and once one of the wealthiest countries in the world. From 2019 to 2021, its food insecure population jumped by 30 percent due to the double hit of a now 3-year climate-change drought and an inflationary spiral crippling its economy. Now, one in three Argentines have had to lessen both the amount and nutritional value of the food they consume, while one in eight cannot afford to eat every day. Between 17 and 23 million have slipped below the poverty line. That's 43% to half the population. Informal "community kitchens" form the backbone of Argentina's free food programs, run voluntarily mostly by women cooking donated food and opening their homes to neighborhood poor children.Your gifts stocked 520 of these grassroots food kitchens for hungry children (including more than 2,000 orphans) with nearly 250,000 lb. of fruits and vegetables.
Meals for Mariam
There are few things sadder than a 3-year-old with leukemia. But living in Gaza makes little Mariam's mortality stakes incomparably higher.
Mariam is only 3, living in the unsettled and turbulent region of Gaza. In her eight-member family, Mariam's food needs are unique because of her acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL).
Chemotherapy suppresses her immune system. So it is vital for Mariam to eat only clean, healthful, and nutritionally sufficient food and that she has pure water to drink – to prevent infection from contaminated foods while supporting her body's ability to endure these hard treatments (and the traumatic travel to get to them) and so her essential childhood development will continue naturally.
Uncontaminated food and pure drinking water are hard to come by in Gaza, where political unrest make even getting a sick girl needed cancer and care treatment difficult. Through delays and hardships, ailing little Mariam travels hours to exhaustion on each hospital trip that should take minutes.
So Zakat Foundation aid experts and partners stepped in. Your gifts provide Mariam balanced nutrition and pure water during her lengthy hospitalization treatment periods to help her get healthy.
They also bring you endless thanks and prayers from Mariam's parents (they want you to know) for the loving care you have shown their little girl in the long moment of their great trial.

Sustainable Livelihoods
Prophet Muhammad, on him be peace, famously equipped and instructed an able man in need asking for charity with the means to earn a livelihood for him and his family, which the man did, and very well. "This is better for you [who is able] than for the asking [of others] to appear as a blot on your face the Day of Resurrection" (Abu Dawud).
Trained & Supported
From this we learn we surely must give to those oppressed into grinding poverty, overwhelming debt, or heavy compensation. They have a moral right on us. But those able to earn a living if they but had one, if we equip, train, and seed their enterprises, this is a greater gift to them, for it enables them to earn and support themselves and their families and preserves their dignity.
Such is a gift that you have certainly given to thousands each year through Zakat Foundation's multiple vocational, skill, placement, and husbandry furnishing, support, and training programs for widows, vulnerable adults, refugees, and orphans coming into adulthood.
Yet it has grown increasingly difficult for people who can and want to earn but cannot find work or cannot gain proper employment due to preventive circumstances and lack of training opportunity.
2 Billion
in informal employment
4 Billion
half the world, have no social protection benefits
473 Million
have unmet need for employment
of the employable cannot get proper employment
205 Million
268 Million
outside the labor force
214 Million
work for less than $1.90 a day, extreme poverty
of women do not have employment
of young people (15-24) are not in education employment, or training
Regional Impact of Work Deficit

North Africa
• 17.6 weekly work hours per capita work population
• 56.3% outside labor force
• I 1.3% unemployment
• Rural areas systematically excluded from work and economic opportunity

Sub-Saharan Africa
• 30 million Africans forced into extreme poverty by Covid-19
• 22 of 55 African nations had increased social unrest in 2022
• 85% of Africans informally employed
• 5%-15% yearly GDP reduction from climate change in sub-Saharan Africa

Arab Countries
• 15.3 weekly work hours per capita work population
• 39.5% outside labor force
• 14.3% unemployment
• 29.8% youth ( 15-24) unemployment

Latin America
• 22.1 million unemployed
• 38.6% outside labor force
• 7.1 % unemployment

Asia & Pacific
• 294 million in working poverty
• 65.6% in informal employment without benefits
• 49.2% outside labor force in South Asia
• 54.1 million unemployed in South Asia
Vocational & Entrepreneurial Training
Launching careers and businesses with training and technology
Your generous gifts gave IT vocational training, primary and secondary education, a variety of cottage-industry skills, and vital life and living capabilities to hundreds of orphaned, unaccompanied, and separated refugee girls and young women from across Africa rescued by the RefuSHE program. In addition to IT training, others learned graphic design, video editing, and media development, along with economic empowerment training.
Your gifts make it possible for more than a thousand girls and women a year to use and complete Zakat Foundation's unique lrbid City Vocational Training Center arts & crafts courses.Attendees, both in person and online, learn two kinds of crafts to create saleable art and wares: Polymer clay modeling to make colorful jewelry, wall art, accessories, ornaments, home decor, pottery, and most any item the maker can imagine; and quilling - rolling, looping, curling, twisting and otherwise manipulating text-weight paper into different shapes, then gluing it together to create decorative designs. Our artists and craftswomen sell their handmade art and wares, work in childcare and education, and earn money to support themselves and add income to their families.
Each year your sadaqah helps Zakat Foundation's Dhaka office offer a six-month sewing course to vulnerable girls and women that gets them jobs in Bangladesh's $42.6 billion woven garment industry, the second largest apparel exporter in the world, or launches them on their independent seamstress and tailor careers. Thousands have completed this invaluable instruction, many receiving a free sewing machine at the end of the course to start their own businesses and support their families. Your gifts this year benefited more than 550 enrollees and family members.
For more than a decade your donations have provided for hundreds of Nepal's orphaned girls and boys in the care of Zakat Foundation and its partner Millat Educational & Welfare Society (MEWS) Nepal.As part of our care, we created the Computer Learning and Sewing Center for both orphans and other youth. Girls and boys choose their training pathway, learning programming and widely used software and clothes making to benefit from Nepal's growing ready made garment industry. Both programs meet international and industry training standards, imparting competitive skills and knowledge for future employment and growth. With your generosity, more than 1,800 benefited from the Center this year.
Your charitable gifts enabled Zakat Foundation to support our partner Upwardly Global, a unique job seekers training and placement initiative. You helped 432 immigrants and refugees, including Afghan evacuees, with the skills and resources to access quality jobs in a changing labor market. Through training, coaching, and system-change efforts, Upwardly Global prepared these newcomers to the U.S. for sustainable, high-demand careers driving the more inclusive post-COVID economic recovery. With Zakat Foundation of America's partnership, 218 job seekers successfully entered their first professional job search, and I IO clients transitioned to thriving-wage roles, earning $63,372 on average annually, positively impacting about 1,300 new refugee and immigrant family members.

Cooperatives & Animal Husbandry
Mating pairs of dairy livestock put wealth at the fingertips of farmers and rural household heads, while creating, equipping, and training cooperative and family associations creates jobs and multiplies incomes, especially for women.

With your gracious giving, Zakat Foundation has set up 30 greenhouses for 30 households with our partner American Near East Refugee Aid (ANERA) as part of our "Home Gardens and Food Security Enhancement Program" for Gaza. Some 20 greenhouses you sponsored for families in Khan Younis (in cooperation with the Al-Fajr Palestinian Youth Association) and Rafah (with Rafah Farmers Association) have greatly improved family nutrition and increased household incomes, on average, by $1,000 a year.

Zakat Foundation's Animal Husbandry Program has had great success across rural Africa and Asia as a personalized food security and wealth-generation program. Your sponsorship provided 332 mating pairs of dairy goats and sheet for indigent farming families in five rural Rwanda districts, with 1,800 Rwandans reaping direct nutritional and economic benefits.
Our fields experts train the farmers, connect then with markets, and instruct them in basic business practices.

Your sadaqah gave 150 pairs of mating cows to people in the rural but fast urbanizing seaside locale of Dar Bouaaza, a village/suburb of 20,000 (and growing) about 12 miles west of Casablanca. This has improved family nutrition, income, asset, holdings, soil productivity, transport, animal traction (plowing, hauling, and draft use), and agricultural diversification and production for 650 people. The cows also provide employment and religious significance for udhiyah / qurbani and 'aqiqah sacrifice.

in 2013, Zakat Foundation donors sponsored the Ghana Women Cooperative, focused on collective processing of cassava, a staple food, significantly raising member incomes. You then helped the cooperative mechanize, increasing production and earnings tenfold, helping families pay for their children's education. Faced with cassava competition by intervening herdsmen, Cooperative members now process shea butter (a skin moisturizer), groundnut (for foods), maize, mushrooms, and soap. The Cooperative also introduced a Sewing Center, offering vocational training to girls.
24 and So Much More
"Zakat Foundation Supporters, you lifted my spirit"
Little Kulsum's destitute parents migrated to Dhaka in search of work that never came. Poor and displaced, her parents accepted a marriage proposal. It was a family from their village. They promised to care for Kulsum and their young son. She was 13.
She bore three children in successive years, years that wore hard on Kulsum. She felt aggrieved, put upon by her in-laws.
Kulsum and her husband determined to return to Dhaka. He worked hard for low pay, barely enough for rent, scarcely food for Kulsum and the babies. Some days they didn't eat.
Kulsum wanted to help her husband, heart and soul. But how?
She found Zakat Foundation. Rather, we found her. Your sadaqah set her in our Vocational & Entrepreneurial Skills for Women program. For six months, you gave Kulsum superb training in sewing, tailoring, and start-up business management. Then, vitally, you gifted her a sewing machine.
"Zakat Foundation's sewing program trained me with precision," said Kulsum. "I can tailor anything. I earn money. Take endless orders for clothes. And never leave my home.
"The training you gave me is independence. Zakat Foundation supporters, you lifted my spirit. You developed in me the will to develop myself. You freed me to seek my life goals. Truly from my heart I thank you, each one."
Kulsum is just 24.

Orphan Sponsorship
Orphan sponsorship through Zakat Foundation will soon eclipse the "20,000 orphans sponsored" milestone, with 2,321 new children added this year.
Trained & Supported
Zakat Foundation has become an acknowledged worldwide humanitarian leader by removing the pervasive modern orphan selection image biases.
Yet the prevalence and rampant growth of children losing their fathers, mothers, and Godgiven right of a just, home-community familial integration is far and away the defining calamity - and indictment - of humanity in our time.
The world's orphan and separated child population now totals an inconceivable 267 million children - a number that would make orphans the fifth largest nation on earth.
Consider for a moment the human self-portrait (and that of our Ummah, since so many of these children are of us) that these underestimated reports tell us:
The Orphan Catastrophe
153 Million
UNICEF-calculated orphans in the world
8+ Million
UNICEF unrecorded orphans in orphanages
6.7+ Million
unrecorded orphans from Covid-19 associated deaths
100 Million
UNICEF-estimated unrecorded "invisible" orphans trafficked or on the streets
2 Seconds
Every 2 seconds, another child becomes an orphan
50% >
Less than 50% of orphans have access to education
214 Million
work for less than $1.90 a day, extreme poverty
of women do not have employment
of young people (15-24) are not in education employment, or training
Your Orphan Sponsorship
A Widow's Story in Pictures
Parveen Banu loved her life and her husband, Mohammed Rafi. "We had a beautiful life. He cared so much for us, me and his two sons, and loved us even more." Parveen is an accomplished Quran teacher. Mohammed Rafi worked construction. Allah blessed them with Mohammed Khalil Sheikh as their first son, and then another boy. In 2014, little Mohammed just turned 6, when his father went off to the construction site and suddenly collapsed with a massive, fatal heart attack.
Devastated, and just in her twenties with their two little ones, Parveen knew her Quran tutoring of children could not sustain them. She had nowhere to turn.
"We instantly lost everything." Home. Status. Shielding husband and father. Parveen entered widowhood and the house of her in-laws with her orphaned boys, leaving their life and joy behind.
The persecution, in Parveen's eyes, began immediately. So too her depression. Problems grew. Loss compounded. Conflict rose up. Her heart fell away in depression.
"I bore it all for years for the sake of my sons, memory of love for my good husband. Days unfed. Utter impoverishment. The word 'no' ever on my lips for my wanting children.
Harassment mounted. My traumas multiplied. The day came, I was turned out to the street with my children. Nothing held dignity but fleeing to my brother."
Parveen's brother opened his home, silently bore every burden.
"But my heart could not see it, to shift my lifeload on him." She began mending clothes and stitching handbags, earning about $400 a week. Too little still for the children's basic needs and crucial education.
Mohammed Khalil, now 12, had shown promise all along. Soft spoken. Beloved by everyone. Diligent in learning. Dutiful to his mother and family. Yet no books. No uniform or school shoes. No pens and pencils. No money for school fees. No light showed the way for Mohammed and his mother.
One day, Parveen happened on a neighbor, who told her of an American charity, Zakat Foundation, who helped orphans and widows. "I immediately found Zakat Foundation offices and registered Mohammed Khaleel." His sponsorship made all the difference. He entered proper schooling, well clothed and supplied; tuition, fees, and study materials fully provided. Now in 6th grade He's made vital friendships and shown great aptitude in mathematics.
Parveen's joy has returned.
"What a wondrous miracle has happened in our lives! My child is sponsored by a caring donor of Zakat Foundation, whom I greatly thank for all your most wonderful support.
"My prayers are filled with pleas to Allah for your good health and even greater success, what you and ever more Zakat Foundation donors may reach out to the many children of ours like mine."
As for Mohammed Khaleel, he shows all you would hope for. He rises each morning for the Fajr Dawn Prayer, departs to his school, returns home to play football with friends, helps his mother with household duties. His schoolwork is never neglected, not even during Covid-19 sheltering in place when school went online. Family dinner together is never missed with his mother and brother, and sleep comes welcome on a full stomach and early.
Is he grateful? Read the thank you letter he sent to his sponsor.

Health & Wellness
Your charitable gifts for Zakat Foundation's growing healthcare for the vulnerable treated more than 181,000 in Asia, Africa, the Middle East, and America, with a focus on children and childbearing-age women.
Patients Served
Medical Programs
Covid-19 caused an unanticipated global spike in healthcare need. Yet inaccessibility to adequate care and counseling, as well as to healthful nutrition and clean water all contribute greatly and increasingly to illness and death among humanity. In addition, we can no longer ignore the growing damage to human health caused by climate change, or the rapidly spreading poor emotional state of human beings and the soaring despair and resort by billions of us to self-medicate through abuse of alcohol and food, both now dramatic yet preventable factors in the human morbidity and mortality equation.
Covid-19 Mortality
336.8 Million
Life-years lost in 2020-2021
More deaths in lower-income than higher-income countries
Vaccine access for low-income countries
The Price of Orphanhood
2 Seconds
Every 2 seconds, another child becomes an orphan
Less than 50% of orphans have access to education
Orphans are more likely to experience malnutrition and stunted physical and cognitive growth

Covid-19 broke the already fractured healthcare systems of our world, exposing both its structural and accessibility flaws. There is a dramatic crisis of too few healthcare workers, especially physicians, and gross neglect of healthcare availability based on income.
Global Physician Shortage: 6.4 Million
Global Nursing Shortage: 6
No Essential Health Services: 400 Million

Your sadaqah provides healthcare to vulnerable mothers and children, funds two free health camps, and sponsors door-to-door and courtyard health counseling in the poorest areas of Bangladesh for more than 26,000. These services bring healthcare to young families most in need, as well as the elderly, handicapped, and those with limited mobility.

It is increasingly difficult for impoverish persons to meet basic hygiene and healthcare needs. Zakat Foundation has brought both awareness and treatment to at least 88,421 through counseling and physical examinations, saving poor families from spending on expensive tests and medical consultations.

Your generous gifts have supported child, women, and remote village care for 22,412 through Mali's five free health centers and motorcycle-traveling home healthcare to its hard-to-reach rural areas. This year you helped Zakat Foundation purchase new medical diagnostic equipment for Bonanzole Women's Clinic and Benkadi's Health Center, in addition to sponsoring cancer awareness and screening in the two countries. Your sadaqah also funded malaria and acute respiratory treatments, as well as advanced vaccination and malnutrition administration, and pregnancy and childbirth consultation.

Clean running water in Ghana's five staff-boarding clinics; shortages of diagnostic medical equipment for its 145 medical professionals and 25,000 patients; and also rent for its medical staff's living accommodations provided the urgent challenges that your charitable giving met in 2021-22. Zakat Foundation arranged to mechanize the clinics' running water in examination, treatment rooms, and wards, while also purchasing beds, thermometers, and blood pressure apparatus for its Bamboi Polyclinic, and each of its Jama, Teselima, Bole, and Mandari Health Centers. The Bamboi Polyclinic, built by Ghana's government, could not commence operation for lack of running water, until Zakat Foundation's donors had the borehole shaft to spring water dug and outfitted, and then had 1.5 miles of water pipe laid to the clinic, providing the running water. Your funding also built an Emergency Room for the same clinic. The new clinic is now serving 25 surrounding communities within a 12-mile radius.

Your donations absolutely saved hundreds of children's lives at the Musa and Suhaila Naser Pediatric Cancer Department, the only cancer and blood disease center for children, in Gaza. Part of the Rantisi Specialized Pediatric Hospital, the department had tragic shortfalls in chemotherapy medication until you provided 6-month's worth for 240 children. The impact was profound in their lives. Children could receive treatment locally without traveling away from families. The project greatly reduced the number of child referrals, which pose tremendous hardships for the children and their families, financially and in obtaining travel permission. The stories of the young lives you helped the Center save with your charitable gifts are now legendary.

The Zakat Foundation initiated and sponsored Khalil Center has grown into one of the most innovative mental health initiatives in the country, with its comprehensive culturally and spiritually competent care for the Muslim community. Through its five North American offices, and online services, individual, family and marital, and religious-specific psychological interventions, community education and first responder training, and seminars that benefited some 15, 156. In addition, we trained and certified more than 80 healthcare professionals in Istanbul and Pakistan in our mental healthcare model to become mental healthcare first line providers in their communities. We also initiated (and will continue into the coming year) providing pornography prevention and addiction treatment among young Muslims, with participation from our partners Young Muslims and Yaqeen Institute.
Guardian Little Alma in Operation "Guardian of the Walls"
"I was terrified the department would run out of medications during wartime!"
Alma's only 3. Her treatment for leukemia came at a volatile and difficult time in Gaza.
"I was scared to death that" the chemo medications that Alma needed to live would finish, and "I would lose my child during such a difficult time," said Alma's mother.
But the donations you sent to Zakat Foundation enabled our partners at the Palestine Children's Relief Fund (PCRF) to make sure Alma's chemotherapy medications were on hand for her, and for hundreds of other children being treated for cancer.
By Allah's grace, Alma was responsive to the first round of chemo medications you funded. Her parents could not be more grateful. The availability of these medicines saved her life.
"I am thanking Allah all the time," said Alma's mother. "All my fears are gone. Alma stayed on her medication plan."
"The process of traveling to the West Bank for treatment is so hard, and the chance of getting a permit so very minimal. "But the travel" to the West Bank for treatment "is not only costly, it has a negative physical and psychological impact on the child."
Yet Allah wrote otherwise for Alma...and all of you. "Whoever saves a life, it shall be reckoned as though he has saved the life of all humankind" (Surat Al-Ma'idah, 5:32).
Thank you.

Sadaqah Jariyah
No charity exceeds the value of the kind whose divine reward cascades beyond death, into the grave, pooling in the Divine Balance of the Day of Judgment.
Mosques, Schools, Orphan Centers
For so long as this charity type goes on providing worldly benefit to the living, it keeps filling the scale of good deeds for the one on whose behalf it was given - a parent, child, wife, husband, other loved one, or yourself. That is why it is called sadaqah jariyah, charity ever-flowing, or "running;' "ongoing;' or "perpetual charity:' This is the most far-reaching planned-giving instrument in the believing toolbox.
There is no limit on sadaqah in Islam - save that it be from the lawful, for the lawful, and given with the intent to seek the Face of God, meaning it is bequeathed only for His sake and pleasure. Whatever good thing one may "freeze" in its functional giving to help others on earth - human, other creatures, or creation - can be a sadaqah jariyah.
In our time, building mosques (often with schools and water wells) for communities, especially remote, poor ones, that have none, or digging water wells and providing sanitation for similar populations - these are the most common forms of sadaqah jariyah.
Indeed, your charity ever-flowing washed over more than half a million truly needful people in the world, and God willing it will continue to do so in perpetuity.
Mosques, Schools, Community Center/Orphanages Built
Water Wells, Hand Pumps, and Water Systems
Water Wells
Hand Pumps
Water Filtration Plant

God made all things from water, the Quran tells us. So nothing is more essential to life. Thus drinkable water is the very best charity one can give, said the Prophet, on him be peace. And humanity desperately needs access to drinking water now.
No Clean Water Access: 1.2 Billion
No Sanitation: 2.6 Billion (46% of humanity)

Mosque Construction
In 10 impoverished countries, among the most needful and grateful communities - in Cambodia, Ethiopia, Ghana, Mali, Pakistan, the Philippines, Rwanda, Senegal, Somalia, and Uganda - your charitable gifts on behalf of loved ones constructed, or are in the process of erecting, purpose-built mosques for the communal gathering, worship, spiritual edification, and celebrations of tens of thousands of men and women, boys and girls, many in remote regions whose prior prayer spaces were simply open, outside areas with tent canopies, or who had to travel far to pray in a mosque.
Mosques also form vital centers of literacy and learning and safe spaces of wholesome assembly for a community's youth. They exert a profoundly positive force of family harmony, neighborly connection, and communal selforganization strengthening social cohesion and brotherhood. In addition, most of these mosques have associated water wells with clean running water that serve the entire community's healthful hydration, hygiene, and sanitary living. The mosques you build, moreover, are increasingly environmentally green, employing efficient (often solar) energy, sustainable materials, with maximal water-saving usage, and managed air quality.
One who builds a mosque on earth, God builds for that person a palace in paradise. So our Prophet, on him be peace, exhorted us. The number of mosques needed in rural and remote communities today has never been greater or more important. Build your palace.

Schools Built
Your sadaqah jariyah, ongoing charity, built the Sister Yaghmour Academy in the remote, rural village of Trea in Tboung Khmom Province, inaugurated in January 2022. The three-classroom, fully furnished school has 120 almost evenly split male and female students, additionally providing educational benefit to another 160 in the community. Before Yaghmour Academy, students attended school in an open space beneath raised house of the village's lone teacher.
They sat on ground mats, within thin plastic frame barriers as walls for privacy. "Today, my friends and I are thrilled with having a school and sitting in its classrooms," said Tasnim, a student. "It has been our dream and the dream of our parents. We send profound thanks to our donors and pray for you."
You also built a vocational center in Rwanda for girls who have opted out of high school to begin acquiring employable skills in six-month courses. In addition, the school also has a two-year Quran studies program. In the Philippines, your perpetual charity constructed the communal Education Center in the Darra Lund Khawar Village for both youth and adult learners. For the village young people, in particular, it is an alternative education center for more expansive studies, since they mostly attend weekend government-supported vocational centers for skills training.

Community & Orphan Centers
Many communities in Ghana have no common place to meet, study, and carry out other important social activities, including physical activity for health.Your sadaqah jariyah gifts built the Multi-Purpose Community Center for the Bamboi community in the Savana Region, directly benefitting at least 4,500. It holds (I ) a 300-seat capacity multipurpose auditorium, that also accommodates congregational prayers, and hosts state examinations for the Junior High School students of IO surrounding communities; (2) a library; (3) a conference/indoor game hall; (4) an urgent care area; and (5) a gymnasium for both exercise and physical therapy.
Zakat Foundation donors have long supported the Khubaib Foundation orphan projects in Sargodah, specifically its girls' orphanage and school. Orphan girl numbers have sharply increased with Pakistan's catastrophic climate-change calamities, creating a special need for new accommodations, particularly for the Khubaib Girls College. The new nearly 3,000 sq. ft. facility that your ongoing charity is now building will create additional dormitory and living space for 60 girls.

Water Wells & Hand Pumps
Zakat Foundation is now a recognized humanitarian leader in providing clean water access to hundreds of thousands every year. Your ongoing charity, sadaqah jariyah, makes this possible, including digging 688 motorized submersible pump and hand pump water wells that gushed with the blessing of fresh water for more than 368,000 in 2021-22. In hundreds of communities that previously had no access to pumped water, often rural and remote - where thousands of human miles a year are walked, often by women, to a water source to haul thousands of pounds of water for daily use back home - your running charity has eased the burden of tens of thousands of families in Burkina Faso, Cambodia, Ethiopia, Ghana, India, Ivor Coast, Kenya, Mali, Nepal, Niger, Pakistan, the Philippines, Senegal, Somalia, and Uganda. And the blessings flow daily to your loved ones and await them in the Hereafter.
Water Filtration
Many communities in Ghana have no common place to meet, study, and carry out other important social activities, including physical activity for health.Your sadaqah jariyah gifts built the Multi-Purpose Community Center for the Bamboi community in the Savannah Region, directly benefitting at least 4,500. It holds (I) a 300-seat capacity multipurpose auditorium, that also accommodates congregational prayers.
That means a mere 3%+ of the water Gaza's 2.37 million people have access to is drinkable, leading to endemic levels of waterborne diseases, cancer, and a raft of other illnesses.
In the face of this, Zakat Foundation of America has funded - with your 2021-22 ongoing charity, sadaqah jariyah - a Reverse Osmosis Water Filtration System that provides a sustainable source of clean and safe water, as well as enough electricity to power IO preschools across all five Ghana governorates with basic services. At least 1,079 children under age 5 - including children with disabilities - and their 85 teachers and staff benefit directly from your precious charity on behalf of your loved ones.
In addition, your donations have outfitted the Reverse Osmosis system, and each of the preschools, with solar panels that ventilate, light, and run the electronic devices of the schools, significantly reducing operating costs. Thousands of hearts flow with gratitude for your compassionate provision for these children and, God willing, pray for you each day.
In impoverished rural Nepal, few have access to treated water sources or sanitation services.You sent your sadaqah jariyah, charity ever-flowing, in 2021-22 to change this reality for children at two orphanages and another school. Your funding through Zakat Foundation - working with its humanitarian partner Millat Educational and Welfare Society Nepal - installed three water filter plants at the Muslim Orphanage Nepal for Girls, the Muslim Orphanage Nepal for Boys, and at the Nawa Jyoti English School in lnaruwa to safeguard the health of 500 children, and to ease the half-day job everyday of family and staff members retrieving water. That is a gift that will stream to the benefit of your passed loved ones into the next life.
Abundance of Life, Abundance of Prayers
"How much we suffered moving from place to place in search of water!"
Ousman Ndrangu live in the hamlet of Lukalu, Uganda. The search for drinkable water defined his existence and his neighbors'. He tells his story.
"We had no water source at all in our village. With constancy, we asked Allah, 'Please grant us one' – and how eagerly we awaited His answer.
"One day, I went to nearby Namiyagi village to visit a friend and found people gathered around a sign: Zakat Foundation of America. What could it mean? Suddenly, I saw people giving joyous thanks. A water well abruptly gushed clean water for all. My happiness overflowed, as it did for all the people. I waited until the end of the celebration then asked my friend how our village too could get a well. He introduced me to Amar, the Zakat Foundation expert who headed the well drilling and installation. I told him of our great water crisis. He reassured me with words I couldn't forget: 'Don't worry. Zakat Foundation of America is in Uganda to help the most needy,' and promised to soon visit us.
"Amar called me in just weeks, again with hopeful words: 'Zakat Foundation is on the way. We're digging your well.' I felt that sudden rush of hope well up inside me. Could it be true? I couldn't quell my insecurity. Would they come? In hours, here came the drilling rigs and crew, planting that hopeful sign I had seen now in our village. We celebrated the answer to our prayers with gratefulness and supplications.
Clean cool water now flows in our village, and we pour our prayers of thanks each time in the name of Allah, and for all who donated this source of life for us.
O Allah! Reward them ever more abundantly for the blessing You let them make flow!"
The Zakat Foundation of America Financials
Support and Revenue |
Contributions |
$ 18,929,527 |
In-Kind Contributions |
$266,438 |
Investment Loss |
$ (1,903) |
Miscellaneous Income |
$11,044 |
Total Support and Revenue |
$ 19,205, I 06 |
Expenses |
Program Services |
$ 13,659,681 |
Management and General |
$673,419 |
Fundraising |
$721,608 |
Total Expenses |
$ I 5,054,708 |
Change in net assets |
$4,150,398 |
Net Assets |
Net assets at beginning of year |
$ 13,731,847 |
Net assets at end of year |
$ 17,882,245 |
Financial Statement of Activities for the Year Ended on June 30, 2022